Ifeoma Onyefulu (yin jiji to owhe 1959) e yin wekàntọ Naijilia tọn gando yọpọvu lẹ go, wekàntọ, podo fotodetọ po. E yin yinyọnẹn na taun tọn na owe yẹdidenọ etọn lẹ ehe bẹ yẹdide etọn lẹ gando gbẹzan otòpẹvi de tọn to Aflika.

Onyefulu yin jiji to Onitsha, Anambra, Naijilia. Eyin dopo to hagbẹ ogbẹ́ akọ̀ Igbo tọn lẹ to Naijilia ehe to ninọ UK. E whẹn do Naijilia. E wlẹalọ bo gọdo Britain to 1982. E bẹ azọ́n fotopinplọn tọn jẹeji to Earls Court, Britain. E jo oplọn nukunpedonugo tọn do na e tindo dotẹnmẹ azọ́n fotodide tọn to Britain. E bẹjẹeji gbọn fotodide na linlinwe lẹ bosọ wazọ́n taidi fotozọ́nwatọ na linlinwe Caribbean Times sọn 1986-87. To 1991 e bẹ owekinkàn jẹeji. E tindo ovi awe (2) ehe yinuwado nuhe e nọ kàn lẹ ji. Kanṣiṣa etọn podo ovi etọn lẹ po podo ojlẹ yetọn to wehọmẹ po dike bọ e tindo nuyọnẹn susu gando ovi lẹ go to kandai etọn lẹ mẹ bosọ tindọ ojlọ to yọpọvu lẹ mẹ.

Owe lẹ

  • A Is for Africa: An Alphabet in Words and Pictures, Cobblehill Books (New York, NY), 1993.[citation needed]
  • Emeka's Gift: An African Counting Story, Cobblehill Books (New York, NY), 1995.[4]
  • Ogbo: Sharing Life in an African Village, Cobblehill Books (New York, NY), 1996, published as One Big Family: Sharing Life in an African Village, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 1996.[5]
  • Chidi Only likes Blue: An African Book of Colors, Cobblehill Books (New York, NY), 1997.[6]
  • Grandfather's Work: A Traditional Healer in Nigeria, Millbrook (Brookfield, CT), 1998, published as My Grandfather Is a Magician: Work and Wisdom in an African Village, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 1998.[citation needed]
  • Ebele's Favourite: A Book of African Games, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 1999.[7]
  • A Triangle for Adaora: An African Book of Shapes, Dutton Children's Books (New York, NY), 2000.[8]
  • Saying Goodbye: A Special Farewell toto Mama, Millbrook (Brookfield, CT), 2001.[citation needed]
  • Welcome Dede!: An African Naming Ceremony, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 2003.[citation needed]
  • Here Comes Our Bride!: An African Wedding Story, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 2004.[citation needed]
  • African Christmas, Frances Lincoln (London, England), 2005.[2][citation needed]



Owe etọn tintan, A is for Africa, yin dide taidi dopo to owe oplọn yọpọvu he yọn hugan lẹ mẹ podo owe oplọn wehọmẹ pẹvi he yọn hugan tọn. Whla awe (2) wẹ e mọ ajọ̀ yi na owe The Children's Africana Book Award, for Here Comes the Bride in 2004 and for Ikenna Goes to Nigeria to owhe 2007. E sọ mo ajọ̀ yi na owe he yọn hugan na yọpọvu lẹ to Etat Unis (US) na owe Here Comes the Bride in 2005 podo for Ikenna Goes to Nigeria to owhe 2008.[citation needed]

Alọdlẹndonu lẹ


Nọtẹn gbonu devo lẹ
