Xabier Agirre

Anadenanutọ po Tohodọtọ Spanish

Xabier Agirre López (Nọgbẹ sọn azan ṣiatọntọ Lidosun owhe 1951 jẹ azan Wiatọntọ Afínplọsun owhe 2021 tọn) yin Anadenanutọ po Tohodọtọ Spanish tọn dé po. Eyin jiji to Vitoria-Gasteiz, to Spain. Eyin gbẹvi Basque Nationalist Party. Agirre sọ gbẹ yin gbẹvi na Basque Parliament sọn 2004 kakajẹ 2007 podọ whladopo dogọ sọn 2012 kakajẹ 2016. Agirre basi matintọ to otò Pamplona tọn mẹ, to Spain to azan wiatọntọ Afínplọsun owhe 2021, to whenuena e do owhe 69.

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