Webb's First Deep Field

Webb's First Deep Field wẹ yẹdide tintan he yin dide gbọn zomọ-numọdohlan fidindẹn tọn James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) dali. E do ohín bẹplidopọ sunwhlẹvu lẹ tọn lọ SMACS 0723 hia to aliho he mẹ e sọawuhia te to owhe liva 4.6 die (4.6 billion years). E yin didohia mẹlẹpo to azán widopotọ, Liyasun owhe 2022 tọn. Fọtọ́n-fọtọ́n bẹplidopọ sunwhlẹvu tọn lẹ wẹ sọawuhia to yẹdide lọ, he yin yẹdide awusọhia whẹwhẹwhenu wẹkẹ lọ tọn he họnwun hugan mẹ.

A picture of many galaxies and stars
Webb's First Deep Field

Webb's First Deep Field wẹ yin yẹdide sinmẹ-gigọ́ tọn tintan gbọn JWST dali, podọ ewọ wẹ sọ yin yẹdide wẹkẹ lọ tọn he họnwun hugan. Yẹdide lọ do bẹplidopọ sunwhlẹvu tọn fọtọ́n-fọtọ́n lẹ hia. E sọ do bẹplidopọ sunwhlẹvu tọn he dẹn do mí taun lẹ hia, bo do awusọhia whẹwhẹwhenu wẹkẹ lọ tọn hia to aliho he họnwun hugan gbede pọ́n tọn mẹ.

E yin didohia mẹlẹpo whlà tintan to azán widopotọ, Liyasun owhe 2022 tọn gbọn togán Amẹlika tọn Joe Biden dali to núwiwa de whenu to White House.

Alọdlẹndonu lẹ jlado