Theresa Lola
Theresa Lola (yin jiji to 6 Nuwhàsun 1994) e yin ohó milomilo-kantọ podo wekàntọ Naijilia-nu he yin jiji do Britain. E wọ podo mẹdevo po mọ ale 2018 Brunel International African Poetry Prize yi. To Lidosun 2019, e yin lila na 2019 Young People's Laureate for London.
Gbẹzan bẹjẹeji tọn
jladoTheresa Lola yin jiji to Awọnlin, Naijilia bo gọdo London, England to 2007 to whenuena e tin to owhe wiatọn. E tọn sọn wehọmẹ podo gbedewema nukọntọ tọn po to nupinplọn Accounting and Finance po mẹ sọn wehọmẹ alavọ Hertfordshire tọn.
jladoTo wehọmẹ alavọ godo, Lola tindo mahẹ to tito jọja ohó milomilo-kantọ Barbican tọn lẹ mẹ. Ojlẹ gli godo ehe yin zize do todohukanji 2016 Bridport Poetry Prize, bo mọ 2017 Hammer and Tongue National Poetry Slam yi. To 2018, E wọ podo mẹdẹvo wẹ mọ ale 18 Brunel International African Poetry Prize yi podọ to owhe dopọlọ mẹ, e yin dide gbọn ayimatẹngán London tọn nado kàn bosọ hia ohómilomilo de to hunhun Millicent Fawcett's statue at Parliament Square. Owhe dopo godo, to Lidosun 2019, e yin lila taidi 2019 Young People's Laureate for London. To 2019 bladopọ kandai gigọ́ ohómilomilo Lola tọn he to zẹnsisọ din yin zizejẹgbonu gbọn linlinwhe Arches tọn, ehe yin didohia gbọn Pascale Petit taidi ohàwẹndagbe gigonọ tọn he tin to ogbẹ̀ bosọ yin awugblena.