Sidney Robertson Cowell

Sidney Robertson Cowell (yinkọ etọn to whenuena e yin jiji wẹ Sidney William Hawkins). E yin jiji to azán awetọ ayidosun, 1903 bo ku to azan 23tọ Afinplọsun, 1995) yin tovi yọnnu Amerika tọn he to pinplọn lehe aṣa vovoo lẹ nọ ji ohan ye tọn lẹ gbọn bo sọ nọ sẹ ohan aṣa tọn lẹ do. Sidney wẹ yin asi muzik komposa Henry Cowell tọn.

Bẹjẹeji gbẹzan etọn tọn po azọn etọn po jlado

Sidney Robertson Cowell yin jiji to azan awetọ ayidosun, 1903. Otọ Sidney tọn wẹ Charles Albert Hawkins bọ onọ etọn nọ yin Mabel Hawkins (yinkọ etọn whẹ po e do wlealọ wẹ Morrison). Sidney yi plọn lomu gbe po tamẹnuplọmẹ po to wehọmẹ alavọtọn Stanford tọn. E yi gbedewema B.A tọn to 1924. 1924 wẹ Sidney da Kenneth Robertson, he yin medical student. To alọwle lọ godo, ye yi Europe. To 1925, Sidney biọ "École Normale de Musique"he tin to Paris nado yi plọn piano po Alfred Cortot po. To whenue e lẹkọ wa California, Sidney wazọn taidi mẹplọntọ to "Peninsula School for Creative Education" to Menlo Pak, California sọn 1926 jẹ 1932. Do jlẹ he mẹ e gbẹ do mẹplọn, Sidney plọn lehe ye sọgan yọn ohan po ahundopo po do podọ e wọ po asu etọn po yi plọn lehe aṣa devo lẹ nọ ji ohan ye lẹ te to San Francisco Conservatory Music. To whenue alọwle etọn hẹ Kenneth Robertson gba kiṣa to 1934, Sidney bẹagban bo yi New York City bo gọalọ na do deana na Social Music Program to 'Henry Street Settlement"to odo whezẹtẹn-waji tọn. E wazọn hẹ nawe mẹhemẹ jew nu de. Sidney wazọn taidi alọgọtọ na Charles Seeger to 1936. Charles Seeger wẹ yin ayinamẹtọ ogbẹ Special Skills Division of the Resettlement Administration to Washington (to nukọnmẹ yinkọ lọ wa yi didiọ do Farm Security Administrasion). To whenue e lẹzun alọgọtọ wẹ e jẹ ahan aṣa lẹ yí ji ba sọ jẹ ye sẹdo ji to Appalachia, the Ozarks po the hopa Midwest po. To nukọn mẹ Sidney lẹkọ yi California fi he e bẹ bosọ bai tito na nusẹdotẹn congress tọn, wehọmẹ alavọtọn California tọn, Berkeley po the Work Progress of California Folk Music Project ni do na alọgọ ẹ na azan he e jlo na wa. Sidney wa lẹzun nukunpedo nugotọ azọn lọ tọn sọn 1938 do jẹ1940. Azọn watọ 20 wẹ to azọn wa to glọ etọn to ojlẹ enẹ mẹ.