Larbi Zekkal/guw-bj


Cet article est écrit en Gun (Bénin)

Larbi Zekkal (xe nyí jiji to azán 19tɔ nuxwasun 1934 – azán 17tɔ zosun 2010) nyí aihunɖatɔ kpóɖɔ nukikoɖónámɛtɔ otò Algeria tɔn.

Gbɛzǎn mɛɖetiti tɔn


Larbi Zekkal nyí jiji to azán 19tɔ nuxwasun 1934 Algeria. É kú to azán 17tɔ zosun 2010 to Algeria to hwenue é tindó oxwe (76), ná aijijɛ sɔ‌n hɔntonu oxwe etɔn tɔn, bo nyí ɖiɖi dó cyɔ‌ɖitɛn Sidi M’hamed tɔn.

Azɔ‌n aihundida


Zekal bɛ azɔ‌n aihundida tɔn jɛeji to oxwe 1950 lɛ gblamɛ, bo ko tindó maxɛ to aihundida voovo lɛ mɛ. é nyí nnyíywɛ tawun ná adà xe é yiwa to aihundida (The Battle of Algiers) tɔn mɛ. É sɔ tindó maxɛ to aihundida flansegbe tɔn xe nyí bâton rouge, xe nyí anaɖena gbɔn Rachid Bouchareb dali. é sɔ tindó maxɛ to aihundida Si Mohand U Mhand, l’insoumis tɔn mɛ. Aihundida xe Zekal tindó maxɛ to é mɛ gbɔgodo wɛ aihundida flansegbe tɔn xe xosɔ etɔn nyí (Outside the Law) (Hors-La-Loi), nyí ɖiɖetɔ‌n to 2010.

Alɔdlɛndónù lɛ


Nɔtɛn ɖévo lɛ
