Jimmy Johnson (aihundatọ)

Jimmy Johnson (1940 jẹ azán ṣiantọ̀ntọ Liyasun 2020) yin aihundatọ he yin tovi Naijilia tọn de, e yin wekantọ de podọ linlinnamẹtọ de, he mẹlẹpo yọnẹn taidi Okoro to adà he e yiwa to sinima The Village Headmaster mẹ he e basi to Nigerian Television Authority to owhe 1980 lẹ mẹ. To azán ṣiantọ̀ntọ Liyasun 2020 mẹ, Johnson basi matintọ to Dotowhe Garki tọn mẹ to Abuja to whenuena e tindo owhe kande-awe.

Azọ́n etọn jlado

E bẹ azọ́n aihundida oploji tọn etọn jẹeji to otò Ibadan tọn mẹ to bẹjẹeji owhe 1960 lẹ tọn, Johnson wazọn hẹ Wole Soyinka to Orisun Theatre Company po Mbari Club po he yin fihe nuwiwa aṣa tọn he nọ dọn ayidonugo nukantọ lẹ, yẹdidenanutọ lẹ po hànjitọ vijiji Aflika tọn sọn aflikagbeji lẹ ji te, Amẹlikanu lẹ po kalebianu lẹ po , taidi Soyinka, Ulli Beier, Chinua Achebe, Christopher Okigbo, Mabel Segun, J. P. Clark, Christopher Kolade, Lindsay Barrett, Demas Nwoko, Tunji Oyelana, Jimi Solanke po Bruce Onobrakpeya po.

Alọdlẹndonu lẹ jlado

Nọtẹn intẹnẹt tọn devo lẹ jlado