In The Name Of Our Father
In The Name Of Our Father yin otànwe owhe 2018 tọn he yin kinkan gbọn wekántọ Naijilianu Olukorede Yishau.
Aliho nuzedonukọnnamẹ tọn
jladoIn The Name Of Our Father yin didoai to gandudu awhàngán Sani Abacha tọn whenu, mehe yin tatọ awhànfuntọ dai tọn to ayimatẹn oto Naijilia tọn mẹ.
Ajọ̀ podo mẹdide po
jladoPrestigious Book of Year for Lagos Book and Art Festival (2019).[1] Nominee Nigeria Prize for Literature (2021).[5][6]