Heidi Aklaseaq Senungetuk

Heidi Aklaseaq Senungetuk yin yọnnu Alaska tọn he yin weyọnẹntọ he nọ plọnnu gando lehe akọ voovo lẹ nọ jihan do bosọ yin hansinọ de. Ovi  Ronald Senungetuk po Turid Senungetuk tọn wẹ eyin. Senungetuk gbẹ sọ yin tọgbo na Helen po Willie Senungetuk po. [Wales, Alaska]] wẹ yin dowa whenuho whẹndo yetọn tọn. Senungetuk whẹ to Fairbanks. Otọ etọn wẹ The Native Art Center bosọ yin nukọntọ to Azọnwatẹn Ark tọn to wehọmẹ alavọtọn Alaska tọn.

Wehọmẹ alavọtọn Wesleyan tọn wẹ Senungetuk yi gbedewema daho te to "Ethnomusicology" mẹ. mẹ. Nuhe ji e wazọn te gbedewema lọ mẹ wẹ lehe gbetanu lẹ nọ jihan bo nọ duwe do to topẹvi hẹ tin to lẹdo Arctic tọn lẹ mẹ.

Azọn etọn jlado

Heidi Aklaseaq Senungetuk yi gbedewema pẹvipete po gbedewema daho hugan po to  Oberlin College Konservetori of Music po wehọmẹ alavọtọn Michigan school of Music po mẹ. Lehe ye nọ yi Violin zan do wẹ e yi plọn. To whenuena e yi gbedewema daho etọn to  "Ethnomusicology" mẹ sọn wehọmẹ alavọtọn Wesleyan tọn mẹ, e wazọn to wehọmẹ alavọtọn McGill tọn taidi mẹtintan he do gbedewema daho hugan he yin dodinnanutọ to akọgbe lẹ mẹ. Senungetuk wẹ yin weyọnẹntọ tintan to wehọmẹ alavọtọn Alaska Archorage tọn he nọ plọn nuplọnmẹ asa tọn Alaska tọn lẹ. Senungetuk nọ plọnmẹ "ethnomusicology" taidi weyọnẹntọ alọgọtọn to wehọmẹ alavọtọn Alaska Anchorage tọn. Senungetuk do tẹnmẹ to Louisiana Philharmonic he to New Orleans taidi mẹhe yọn Violin ho ganji. E sọ do tẹnmẹ to  Tulsa tell Philharmonic, to " Breckenridge Music Festival" to  Colorado, to Anchorage Symphony Orch okestra. Senungetuk ko yi Violin zan nado jihan  Nashonal Musium of di Amerika Indian he to Washington, D.C to classic siris yetọn mẹ. Senungetuk ko daihun to National Gallery of Arts po The Amerika Museum of National History po mẹ.